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Grading Periods

Six Weeks

Ending Date

1st Six Weeks

September 19, 2023

2nd Six Weeks

November 3, 2023

3rd Six Weeks

December 20, 2023

4th Six Weeks

February 23, 2024

5th Six Weeks

April 16, 2024

6th Six Weeks

May 30, 2024


Dates are subject to change due to inclement weather.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled after each grading period. Please contact your student's school for information regarding scheduling a conference.

  • Progress for students in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will be assessed through the use of a standards-based progress report card in the areas of English/Language Arts and mathematics. Each skill will be assessed for grade level mastery and assigned a level of expectation as outlined in the chart below.

    Level of Expectation:

    ME= Mastered Expectations

    Student performance indicates mastery of the grade-level expectation at the end of the grading period.

    *If an asterisk is noted on the progress report, student performance indicates mastery of above grade level expectations.

    AE= Approaching Expectations

    Student has been introduced to the standard and is making progress toward grade-level expectations at the end of the grading period.

    BE= Below Expectations

    Student has been introduced to the standard and is making minimal or no progress toward grade level expectations at the end of the grading period.


    Letter grades “E” (Excellent), “S” (Satisfactory), “N” (Needs Improvement), or “U” (Unsatisfactory) will be assigned for science, social studies, responsibility for learning, and when assigning progress in special areas (PE, art, music, library, and guidance) in kindergarten-second grade.

  • Numerical grades, utilizing the State’s uniform grading scale, will be used to record a student’s progress in alignment with Tennessee education standards in math, English language arts, social studies and science.

    Average Grade Assigned
    90-100 A
    80-89 B
    70-79 C
    60-69 D
    Less than 60 F

    Letter Grading for Non-tested subjects for Grades 3-8
    Letter grades “E” (Excellent), “S” (Satisfactory), “N” (Needs Improvement), or “U” (Unsatisfactory) will be used when assigning progress for handwriting in grade 3 and special areas (art, music, band, PE, library, guidance) in grades 3-8.

    • A (4.0)    =   90-100
    • B (3.0)    =   80-89
    • C (2.0)    =   70-79
    • D (1.0)    =   60-69
    • F (0.0)     =    0-59​​​​​​​

Grade Card Distribution Dates

  • September 27, 2023
  • November 14, 2023
  • January 16, 2024
  • March 4, 2024
  • April 24, 2024
  • May 30, 2024